Fabulous Living Solutions

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This was the best experience ever

What can we say about Fabulous Living Solutions and their Path To Home Ownership program.  We thought we would never be able to get into our very own home.  But FLS had all the answers, experience and expertise to make our dreams come true.  We now have a place of our own and a positive future for our young family.  Dreams do come true.  Thank you Christine and Brad

John and Abby P Hendersonville, TN

We Love These People!

Never did we think we would be able to buy a home with our not so great credit scores.  We have been turned down before and it always hurts.   

Then we heard about Fabulous Living Solutions.  At first we didn't believe it was real.  Wow were we wrong!  They had several creative options to make our dream of home ownership a reality.  All you have to do is have good reliable steady income and they will work their magic.  

We are so happy you made our dreams come true.  Thank you, thank you....

Trevor and Sarah M.

Nashville, TN

Trevor and Sarah M Nashville, TN


We were a bit skeptical at first.  It almost sounded too good to be true, but it is.  Christine and Brad are total pros.  They guided us, lead us through everything.  They even encouraged us to go out and look at houses we liked in our price range and let them know.  It was fun.  We are so happy they came in to our world.  

CJ and Alyssa J Sumner County, TN

We Did It!

Oh my,,, where to start?  With my crappy credit and after being turned down for years from banks and mortgage companies, I am well on my way to owning my very first house.  

Fabulous Living Solutions knows exactly what to do.  I didn't have a lot of money to put down on my house but they designed a way for me to build the down payment, move in to my house and build my down payment at the same time.  This is good stuff.  Life changing stuff.  This sure beats the hell out of renting.  

Steve C Nashville, TN

This has been amazing!!! Thanks FLS!

Hello!  My name is Regina M...and I am a new home owner thanks to Fabulous Living Solutions!

I found FLS through my Realtor Hilary.  We began looking at homes in January of 2020 with no idea of how I wouild be financed but we just knew that I had to relocate from Florida to the Murfreesboro, TN area to be near my older daughter and grandkids and we had faith that the right doors would open.  Well, those doors started opening the moment I received a call from Christine with FLS!  We started talking about my situation and I immediately felt like I had known her for years and could trust her to help me.  

I had specific needs which created a seeming impossilbe list of hurdles because as a small dog breeder, I needed land with at least a 3 bdr/1 ba home with 1 or 2 large outbuildings or a 2+ car garage for my dogs.  I also wanted to be within 15 min. of muy daughter and if that wasn't enough, I needed neighbors that would be understanding of my dogs.

Fast forward over a year later, looking over many, many homes, putting in many offers, we finally found the PERFECT HOME FOR ME.  A 3 bedroom home on 3 acres with a 2 car garage and an additional building that I use as my nursery!  It is 11 minutes from my daughter!  And the best part there are 3 retired breeders in my neighborhood so all of my neighbors are so into dogs and even volunteer to help!  I SCORED BIG TIME!!!

I would have never been able to obtain a home without FLS and I have already been recommending FLS to anyone I meet looking for a home!  I even look forward to Christine working with other family members to relocae in the near future.   I have really enjoyed the process with FLS as well as all of the encouragement!  I know that FLS is here to support me in my efforts toward independance and they will push me to succeed.  Thanks to Christine and the whole FLS Group! I look forward to a great partnership.  

Regina M. 

Regina M Smryna, TN